Since its creation, Movilh has debated and agreed with representatives of the civil society, the Armed forces and Law enforcements and with legislative, executive, judicial authorities for diverse anti discriminating politics for the benefit of the sexual minorities and other discriminated sectors.
At the same time, the organization has reported varied abuses against the sexual minorities and has presented itself in cultural, politic and social activities with different social groups and associations.
Below, we name a few of the people, institutions and associations that together with Movilh have reported cases of discrimination, demanding compensation for the affected.
It is noted that the titles of every person or organization mentioned below correspond to the actual title of the person or organization at the time to meet and talk with Movilh. Therefore, they could be involved in other work at present day.
The social networks and associations, formed by a wide diversity of institutions for human rights, in which Movilh has formed a part are:
The social institutions, which Movilh has had a dialogue and/or worked together with, in systematic and/or cyclical activities are, in alphabetical order, the following:
National institutions for sexual minorities: Afirmación Chile, Agrupación de Amigos y Familiares de la Comunidad Gay de la Serena (AFAG), Agrupación de Derechos de Minorías Sexuales de Calama (Ademiseca), Agrupación de Minorías Sexuales GLTB Temuco, Asociación de Vóleibol GLTB, Centro de Acción Social por la Diversidad de La Pintana, Centro Cultural de Minorías Sexuales (Misex) de Puerto Montt, Chile Gay Deportes, Círculo de Protección y Defensa de la Sexualidad (Ciprodes), Club Social Frida Kahlo de Chillán, Colectivo Lésbico Las Hijas de la Luna, Coordinadora Universitaria por la Diversidad Sexual (Cuds), Diversidad, Falange de la Diversidad Sexual (Fadise) de Arica e Iquique), Grupo de Apoyo a Hombres Trans (GAHT), Grupo Social Minorías Sexual de Coquimbo, MovihRed de Rancagua, Queer UC, Tal Como Eres, Transgéneras por el Cambio, de Talca, TravesNavia, Traves San Bernardo, TravesTalca, Valdiversa y Unión de Mejillones por la Diversidad Sexual,
International institutions for sexual minorities and/or individuals: Asamblea Nacional del Consejo Gay, Lésbico, Bisexual y Transgénero (France), Asocación Internacional de Familias por la Diversidad (Peru), Centro de Investigación y Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Sexualidad (Uruguay), Centro de Promoción de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos (Promsex) (Peru), Colombia Diversa (Colombia), International Gay and Lesbian Rights Comission (IGLHRC), Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (Cha) (Argentina), Estruturação (Brazil), Federación Argentina LGBT (Argentina), Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales (FELGTB)(Spain), Fundación Igualdad (Bolivia), Fundación Reflejos (Venezuela), Fundación Triángulo (Spain), Fundación Vencer y Paragay (Paraguay), Grupo Gay da Bahía (Brazil), Grupo Diversidad y Llámale H (Uruguay), parliamentarian and minister Chris Carter (New Zealand) y Vox Asociación Civil de Rosario (Argentina).
Other national institutions: Agrupación de Familiares de Pacientes Psiquiátricos (AFAPS), Agrupación de Inmigrantes por la Integración Latinoamericana (Apila), Agrupación Indígena Newuen Domo, Agrupación Nacional de Estudiantes Secundarios (ANES), Agrupación de Personas Viviendo Con VIH/SIDA Vida Óptima, Agrupación Solidaria de Orientadoras Legales (Asol) de Punta Arenas, Asociación Chilena de Protección de la Familia (Aprofa), Asociación Chilena Pro Naciones Unidas (Achnu), Asociación Ciudadana Real de Sordos (Cresor), Asociación de Peruanos Residentes en Santiago, Asociación Nacional de Psiquiatría, Amnistía Internacional, Biblioteca de Santiago, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Colegio de Psicólogos, Colegio de Profesores, Central Autónoma de Trabajadores (CAT), Centro Cultural Acción Joven, Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda, Chile Sustentable, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir, Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Diego Portales, Colegio de Profesores, Comisión de Derechos Juveniles (Codeju), Círculo de Políticas Participativas, Comité de Refugiados Peruanos, Compañía de Actores con Síndrome de Down El Laboratorio de los Sueños, Comunidad Judía de Chile, Consejo Asesor Presidencial de Educación, Corporación de Atención a Niños de la Calle y Trabajadores Génesis, Corporación Chilena de Padres y Amigos de Personas Sordas, Corporación No te Echen, Corporación Participa, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), Facultades de Educación y Derecho de la Universidad Diego Portales, Foro Red de Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, Fundación Chile 21, Fundación Ideas, Fundación Pequeñas Grandes Personas, Genera Ideas y Acciones Colectivas, Goethe Institut, Grupo Mapuche Mahuidache, Instituto de Comunicación e Imagen de la Universidad de Chile, Instituto Cultural Francés, Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INDH), Iglesia Luterana de Chile, Judíos por la Diversidad, Juventud Judía de Chile (JJC), Masculinidades y Equidad de Género (EME). Mesa Ampliada de Entidades Evangélicas, Movimiento Aquí La Gente, Movimiento por la Interrupción del Embarazo (Miles), Movimiento Universal Anti-Censura, Movimiento Pedro Soto Tapia, Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos, Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios de Chile (Odecu), Parlamento Juvenil, Portal Judío Anajnu, Programa de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Diego Portales, Pueblo Gitano de Chile, Red Infancia, Red Liberal, Red de Objetores de Conciencia, Red de Voluntarios Nosotros, Servicio Evangélico para el Desarrollo (Sepade), Servicio Paz y Justicia en Chile, Sindicato de Trabajadoras Independientes Angela Lina.
Other international institutions: the United Nations Human Rights Council’s reports and programmes, high representatives from the Organization of American States (OAS) and the MERCOSUR, the Colegio Mexiquense A.C, the Worldwide Human Rights Movement (FIDH), International Education (Latin America), the municipal and regional government of Paris, and the embassies of Germany, Spain, the United States of America, France, Great Britain, Holland, Israel and Sweden.
Movilh has been defined by the press as the “Political arm of the of the sexual minorities”. This reputation of Movilh commits the organization to a permanent contact with representatives from all political parties with or without presence in the National Congress, with the objective to promote policy against discrimination
This way Movilh has been keeping a dialogue with presidents, boards, commissions and/or leaders within the parliamentary collectives such as the Christian Democrats (DC), Communist party (PC), Party for Democracy (PPD), Humanist Party (PH), Progressive Party (PRO), Radical Social democratic Party (PRSD), Regional Party of the Independents (PRI), Socialist Party (PS), National Renewal (RN) and Independent Democratic Union (UDI).
Movilh has had ten meetings with different representatives of the parliament, and those meetings have been increasing because of the transformation of values and culture within the country, to which a great part the Chilean movement for sexual minorities is responsible. Thanks to these meetings, Movilh has achieved legal amendments, preparation of legal projects and approval of declarations against discrimination in the National Congress.
Senators DC: Soledad Alvear, Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle, Mariano Ruiz-Esquide, Jorge Pizarro, Ximena Rincón, Ignacio Walker, Patricio Walker, Andrés Zaldívar,
Senators PPD: Roberto Muñoz, Guido Girardi, Ricardo Lagos Weber, Eugenio Tuma
Senators PRSD: Nelson Ávila, José Antonio Gómez and Guillermo Vásquez.
Senators PS: Isabel Allende, Camilo Escalona, Jaime Gazmuri, Juan Pablo Letelier, Pedro Muñoz, Jaime Naranjo, Ricardo Núñez, Carlos Ominami, Fulvio Rossi.
Senators RN: Andrés Allamand, Francisco Chahuán, Alberto Espina, Carlos Kusche, Lily Pérez, José García Ruminot.
Senators UDI: Andrés Chadwick, Hernán Larraín
Senators PRI: Adolfo Zaldívar
Independent senators: Carlos Bianchi, Carlos Cantero, Alejandro Navarro
Respresentatives DC: Gabriel Ascencio, Jorge Burgos, Eliana Caraball, Fuad Chahín, Aldo Cornejo, Eduardo Díaz, Carolina Goic, Tomás Jocelyn-Holt, Roberto León, Carlos Olivares Zepeda, Sergio Ojeda, Andrés Palma, René Saffirio, Gabriel Silber, Patricio Vallespín
Representatives PPD: Enrique Acorssi, René Alinco, Pepe Auth, Víctor Barrueto, Guillermo Ceroni, Álvaro Escobar, Ramón Farías, Cristina Girardi, Guido Girardi B, Rodrigo González, Patricio Hales, Jorge Insunza, Antonio Leal, Felipe Letelier, Adriana Muñoz, Marco Antonio Núñez, Jaime Quintana, María Antonieta Saa, Laura Soto, Jorge Tarud, Carolina Tohá and Ximena Vidal.
Representatives PRSD: Marcos Espinoza, Carlos Abel Jarpa, Fernando Meza, José Pérez, Alberto Robles, Alejandro Sule, Samuel Venegas
Representatives PS: Isabel Allende, Osvaldo Andrade, Juan Bustos, Juan Luis Castro, Alfonso De Urresti, Marcelo Díaz, Francisco Encina, Marco Enríquez-Ominami, Fidel Espinoza, Carlos Montes, Clemira Pacheco, Iván Paredes, Denise Pascal, Fanny Pollarolo, Edgardo Riveros, Fulvio Rossi,
Representatives RN: Pedro Browne, Carmen Ibáñez, Arturo Longton, Joaquín Godoy, Cristián Monckeberg, Osvaldo Palma, Karla Rubilar, Marcela Sabat.
Representatives UDI: María Angélica Cristi, Marcelo Forni, Juan Lobos, Patricio Melero, Felipe Salaberry, Gonzalo Uriarte and Felipe Ward.
Representatives PRI: Pedro Araya and Alejandra Sepúlveda
Representatives PC: Lautaro Carmona, Hugo Gutiérrez, Guillermo Teillier
Independent representatives: Sergio Aguiló, Alberto Cardemil, Pedro Velásquez.
Mayors: Claudio Arriagada (La Granja), Miguel Becker (RN), Orfelina Bustos (San Bernardo), Nora Cuevas (San Bernardo), Aldo Cornejo (Valparaíso), Carlos Escobar (Lampa), Ramón Galleguillos (Alto Hospicio), Sol Letelier (Recoleta), Sadi Melo (El Bosque), Pedro Sabat (Ñuñoa), Sergio Echeverría (San Joquín), Cristina Girardi (Cerro Navia), Juan Morano (Punta Arenas), Gonzalo Navarrete (Lo Prado), Claudina Núñez (Pedro Aguirre Cerda), Rabindranath Quinteros (Puerto Montt), Virginia Reginato (Viña del Mar), Waldo Sankán (Arica), Carlos Sotolichio (Conchalí), Juan Carlos Tello (El Monte) Agustín Valencia (Puchuncaví), Omar Vera (San Antonio), Joaquín Lavín y Raúl Alcaíno (Santiago), Raúl Saldívar (La Serena), Pablo Zalaquett (La Florida y Santiago)
Investigations Police of Chile: Former General director Nelson Mery and General director Arturo Herrera Verdugo; Chief of Brigade of Homicides, Gilberto Loch and Superintendent Víctor Arriagada.
Carabineros: Former General director of Carabineros, Manuel Ugarte; former sub General director of Carabineros, Sergio Lagos; former chief of the Metropolitan Zone of the Carabineros, Gustavo Lagos Robles; former General director of Order and Security, Luis Ruitort; former Prefect of Santiago Central, Colonel Sergio García; sub Prefects Carlos Espinoza and Raúl Gutiérrez; Prefect Claudio Jayo and Superintendents Jaime Fernández, Pedro Ramírez, Juan Caamaño, Alejandro Valenzuela, Leonardo Verdugo and Jaime Verdugo.
In 2001, Movilh coordinated an unprecedented meeting between superintendents, prefects, sub prefects along with various discriminated groups to debate and find a solution to the diverse cases of abuses against minorities. In 2008, on the request of Movilh, the Carabineros worked out a newsletter to eradicate the discrimination in its lines.
Principals, deans and/or teachers from all around the country, journalists Fernanda Hansen y Carolina Rossetti; actors, communicators and scriptwriter Claudia Di Girólamo, Francisca García-Huidobro, Karen Doggenweiler, Julián Elfenbein, Luz Croxatto, Antonio Campos, Vicente Sabatini, Andrea Freund, Malucha Pinto, José Ignacio Valenzuela, Delfina Guzmán, Sergio Lagos, Patricia Rivadeneira, Pablo Macaya, Blanca Lewin, Liliana Ross, Cristina Toco, María Izquierdo, Álvaro Escobar, Juan Pablo Sáez, Carolina Fadic, Yael Unger, Sofía García, Leonor Varela, Benjamín Vicuña, Ana María Gazmuri, Marcela Medel, Felipe Braun, Paula Brunetti, Berta Lasala, Katty Kowaleczco, Natalia Aragonese amongst others.
The meetings organized by Movilh since 1991 with different representatives from the government have rendered in the elaboration of concrete politics against the discrimination. Many of these meetings were made possible thanks to government employees at mid-level who with hard work contributed to the movement
For the same purpose Movilh has sat down with many regional ministers, mayors and sub-secretaries from all around Chile.
Sebastián Piñera
Interior: Andrés Zaldívar, Rodrigo Hinzpeter.
General Secretariat of the Presidency: Francisco Huenchumilla, Paulina Veloso, José Antonio Viera-Gallo and Cristián Larroulet
General Secretariat of the Government: Osvaldo Puccio, Ricardo Lagos Weber, Franciso Vidal, Pilar Armanet, Andrés Chadwick.
Diplomacy: Alejandro Foxley
Education: Sergio Bitar, Joaquín Lavín, Harald _Beyer.
Defence: Michelle Bachelet, Andrés Allamand.
Health: Michelle Bachelet, María Soledad Barría, Álvaro Érazo, Jaime Mañalich
Work: Ricardo Solari
National Women’s Service (Sernam: Adriana Delpiano, Cecilia Pérez, Laura Albornoz and Carolina Schmidt
Culture: José Weistein, Paulina Urrutia, Luciano Cruz-Coke
Interior: Jorge Correa Sutil and sub-secretary Felipe Harboe
Diplomacy: Cristián Barros and sub-secretary Alberto van Klaveren.
Presidency: Rodrigo Egaña Barahona, Gonzalo Martner, Edgardo Riveros y Claudio Alvarado
Ministry General Secretariat of Government: Carolina Tohá, María Elina Artz, Patricio Santamaría, Carlos Maldonado and Augusto Prado.
Health:: Gonzalo Navarrete.
Education: Harold Correa and Cristián Martinez
Investigation: Ricardo Navarrete and Mario Desbordes
Directors: from the Division of Social Organizations (Fuad Chaín, Francisco Estévez y José Ignacio Pinochet), from the National Comission of AIDS of the Ministry of Health ( Anabella Arredondo and Aníbal Hurtado), from the national commission for drug control (María Teresa Chadwick), from the National Service of the Elderly (Paula Fortes), from the Civil Registration (María Alejandra Sepúlveda and Guillermo Arenas Escudero), from the National Youth Institute (Eugenio Ravinet, Juam Eduardo Faúndez, Ignacio Naudon), from the National Service of under-aged (Delia del Gato, Eugenio San Martín and Francisco Estrada), from the Border Patrol of Chile (Alejandro Jiménez and Luis Masferrer), from the Department of Human Rights of the Chancellery (María Alejandra Guerra Ferraz).
Of all of the interviews Movilh has had, some of them stand out for their high symbolic impact, since they reveal a deep cultural change.
The following are of that nature:
a.- The first meeting in Latin America between the sexual minorities movement and the highest authorities of the Episcopal Conference in Chile (2006)
b.- The first meeting in Latin America between the sexual minorities movement and a right-wing official presidential, Sebastián Piñera (2005)
c.- The public support in Chile of a dutch nun, Yosé Hohne Sparborth, in the battle of the sexual minorities movement (2005)
d.- The first meeting between the Independent Democratic Union in Chile (UDI) (2004)
e.- The first discussion by the sexual minorities movement in a convent school (2003)
f.- The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and the leader of the Christian Democratic Party in Chile, Soledad Alvear (2006)
g.- The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and an Minister of Interior Andrés Zaldívar (2006))
h.- The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and the president of the republic (2011)
More events of high importance here: