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Along the trajectory Movilh has developed work and reached historical achievements of large impacts within Chile that have benefited lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgenders (LGBT)

Below follows a list of the most important achievements and milestones of Movilh within different sectors, as well as some activities that have been pioneering.

The advances listed below are not necessarily ordered after importance, rather randomly, as the information is updated once a year.




1.- Decriminalization of Sodomy: In 1999, the sodomy between adults was decriminalized through a modification of article 365 of the penal code. Movilh was the only organism of the civil society that worked continuously and systematically for the amendment, carrying out actions on a national and international level.

2.- Law of Anti-discrimination: In 2012 Chile approved the Law Establishing Measures against the Discrimination, an initiative by the Government of Ricardo Lagos and Movilh which between its protected categories includes sexual orientation and gender identity. The role of Movilh was marked by being the only organism of civil society struggling from the beginning to the end in reach the approval of the law.

3.- Law of Education: After a proposal of Movilh, the General Law of Education (LGE) promulgated in 2009, included the principles of non-discrimination and respect to diversity.

4.- Article 373 and Project against homophobic crimes: In 2005 Movilh triumphed over the arbitrary applications of article 373 of the Penal Code, which sanctions offenses against the moral prudence and fine traditions.

In effect, Movilh created the Project of Agreement against the Homophobic Crimes and Gender Identity, which was passed in the Chamber of Deputies. The text asks the government, the tribunals and the politicians to act against discrimination, and with the maximum rigor, against the crimes affecting the sexual minorities.

Afterward, in 2007, Movilh redacted a bill to repeal article 373, managing to get it into the parliamentary process. As a result, one year later, the National Congress for the first time in history debated the appropriateness of repealing the norm. The project is still under process.

5.- Law of Gender Identity: After working together with Movilh, the congresswoman María Antonieta Saa initiated a bill that allows transsexuals to change their name and sex in accordance with their gender identity and without necessity of surgical procedure. In 2008 the initiative entered the Parliamentary process.

6.- Defense of parents to homosexuals: In 2008, with the backing up and public diffusion by Movilh, a bill was submitted to the National Congress that guarantees that no mother or father should be deprived of their children because of their sexual orientation.

7.- Article 365 of the Penal Code: In 2009, after writing the bill that repealed article 365 of the Penal Code with the objective to equalize the age of consent for sexual relations between homosexuals and heterosexuals and to eliminate the only law in chile that explicitly discriminates the sexual diversity, Movilh managed to have the proposal submitted to the National Congress.

8.- Civil union and marriage: Movilh prepared and produced a project of Encouragement for the non-discrimination and Contract of Civil Union for Individuals of Same Sex, managing to have the proposal submitted in 2003 with the backing up by 19 members of Parliament of various political parties. With the proposal, the public and private debate about the rights of homosexual and transsexual couples settled in Chile, enduring to today.

Also, in 2006, Movilh launched the Pact of the Civil Union (PUC) together with lawyers of University of Chile and the University Diego Portales, an initiative that regulates the rights of couples of same or different sex and that entered to the parliamentary process in the year 2009.

In 2008, the bill for equal marriage, produced by congressman Marco Enríquez-Ominami, was presented to the Congress, and was also supported by seven other congressmen thanks to the management of Movilh. The same year another project for civil unions entered the Parliament, once again backed up by Movilh.

In 2010, Senator Fulvio Rossi, with the endorsement of Movilh, presented a new bill to the Parliament regarding the question of marriage, a bill which was supported by four more congressmen: Guido Girardi, Ricardo Lagos Weber, Isabel Allende and Alejandro Navarro. These would later come to withdraw their support to the initiative after pressure from the evangelic society. Despite this, all of the senators except for Navarro returned to support the proposal after efforts made by Movilh during 2010.

Since 2012, Movilh will be contributing with suggestions to the government project Agreement of Life in Couple (AVP), establishing transverse alliances with senators and congressmen/congresswomen to support and perfect the mentioned proposal.




1.- Reopening and truth in the Divine Case: Thanks to investigation and diligence over more than 10 years, Movilh managed to reopen the 2003 case of about the burning of the gay discotheque Divine, which caused the death of 16. In 2010 the case was closed and the causes was explained and the responsible identified, this being possible after requests made from Movilh. For more information read the report Discotheque Divine, the true story

2.- First success by the Zamudio Law: With the support of Movilh a lesbian couple, Carla de la Fuente and Pamela Zapata, won the first case under the Anti discrimination law, after have being discriminated in a motel in the year 2012.

3.- Unprecedented verdict regarding disciplinary complaint: In 2010 the eight chamber of the Appellate Court nullified a homophobic pronouncement of the First Judge of Familia that had prevented the worker Elías Bermúdez from becoming the legal guardian of his nephew because of being homosexual. After that, a verdict by the Second Judge of Familia de San Miguel approved the request of Elías Bermúdez. One year later, Bermúdez and Movilh presented a disciplinary complaint to the Appellate Court against the First Judge of Familia de Santiago, Marcela Palamara for her decision to refuse the request of Bermúdez.

4.- Freedom of Speech: In 2009 Movilh won the first trial set up against LGBT activists protesting pacifically against homophobia and transphobia of a political party. I similar victory was achieved the same year in the Fiscalía de Viña del Mar, after the sexual minorities protested against the unfulfilled promises of the government.

5.- OpusGay V/S OpusDei: During two years Movilh coordinated the legal consultancy that in 2004 allowed the independent newspaper OpusGay to win a juridical battle in the first stage of proceeding against OpusDei.

6.- First lawsuit regarding kidnapping: Backed up by Movilh and the University Diego Portales, in 2006, an individual accused another for the first time a kidnapping based on sexual orientation of the victim. The case led to an agreement in which the culprit had to ask for public excuse from the kidnapped couple.

7.- General Comptroller Chile: After the homophobic and transphobic sectors presented a letter to the General Comptroller Office so that they would declare illegal the Municipal Statuteagainst Discrimination,conceived by Movilh,the pubic organ validated the proposal in 2010, dismissing that it would have had legal flaws.

8.- Sanction against a television channel: In 2008, the National Board of Television sanctioned a channel for the spreading of homophobic content in one of its programs. The sanction took place after complaints from various viewers, among many were associated with Movilh.

9.- First sanction against a religious programme: 2010,after the denouncement by Movilh, the National Board of Television fined Canal 54 Liv-TV de Televisión América S.A for its homophobic and transphobic content in a religious programme, which was the first fine of this kind ever to be formulated in Chile.

10.- Constitutional Tribunal and judicalization of the marriage: 2012, supported by Movilh, three gay couples started a judicial struggle for same sex marriage, demanding the Appellate Court to question the current law. This demand was rejected in 2011 as well as the following year in the Supreme Court.

In response, in 2012, Movilh denounced the State of Chile before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, a process still on-going.

However, notable in this case is that the president of the First Court of the Appellate Court, Alejandro Solís, called for reflection of the question of marriage and family, emphasizing that the demands of sexual diversity had not yet been listened to.

At the same time, the Appellate Court presented a requerimiento de inaplicabilidad before the Constitutional Tribunal, which was brought into process and declared admissible by this organ in January 2011.

In November 2011, the Constitutional Tribunal rejected the requerimiento, but clarified that the National Congress had to settle whether or not the institution of marriage should be extended to same sex couples. Even more, eight of the ten ministers gave their support to a regulation of the registered domestic partnership, five en favor of marriage, calling for the Parliament to settle this vulnerability that affects homosexuals with its lack of a single norm.

11.- Unprecedented demand from a couple: An activist gay couple of Movilh presented in 2009 a legal demand to be acknowledged as a family. The demand was put forward to Judge de Familía de Santiago.

12.- Dispute and denouncement against the Catholic Church: Movilh, together with lesbian teacher Sandra Pavez took in 2007 the first legal action against the homophobia of a representative of the church, the ecclesiastical judge for the Education of San Bernardo, René Agiulera. The Church had been subject to accusations from victims of discrimination that took place in the Appellate Court of San Miguel. As the case was lost in the Supreme Court, Movilh decided to in 2009 denounce the State of Chile before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

13.- Unprecedented demands of police and military: With the support of Movilh, and for the first time in history, an ex police, César Contreras, presented in 2009 a demand before the Appellate Court of Santiago, after have been expelled from Investigations simply for being homosexual. Another similar case occurred the same year by the carabineros Victor Ricardo Rivas Pastrana and Armando Esteban Salgado Jara, who also were supported by Movilh.

Also in 2012, for the first time an employee of the army asked the Appellate Court of Santiago for legal protection because of workplace related homophobia. The case was supported by Movilh but was lost in the Supreme Court.

14.- Unprecedented verdict: An unprecedented verdict of the North Fiscal Center determined in 2005 that three foreign transgenders accused for minor crimes complied their sentence with voluntary work with Movilh.

15.- First lawsuit of discrimination in the Consumer Law. In 2010, Movilh filed, before the Police Court of Santiago, the first lawsuit against a company for violating the Consumer Law on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This after censoring a campaign for sexual diversity that was spread through posters on buses of Transantiago.

16.- Military Prosecutor:In 2002, Movilh managed to carry through a denouncement to the military prosecutor of police abuse against sexual minorities.

17.- Reopening of case: In 2006 Movilh managed to, before a public prosecutor, reopen a case of homophobic police violence against an individual person. The case, which was the first of its sort to be reopened, had been closed in a irregular manner, negligent and without a thorough process.

18.- Neo Nazis: Along with the support of lawyer Alfredo Morgado, Movilh presented a legal complaint against nazi groups for illicit association, contributing to the development of a new sort of investigation in the chiliean tribunals. In 2012, one of the most active neo-nazi groups, el Frente de Orden Nacional, dissolved after several denouncements by Movilh.




1.- Municipal Ordenance against the Discrimination: In 2008, with the support of about 100 organizations, Movilh worked out the first proposal for a Municipal Ordenance against the Discrimination. Between 2009 and 2012, Movilh managed to get the Ordenance approved in eight municipalities: Santiago, La Serena, Chillán, Puerto Montt, El Monte, Puchuncaví and San Antonio.

2.- Blood Banks: Through an investigation and a campaign Movilh managed to remove the signs which prevented the gay from donating blood in the public blood banks. Thanks to that, Movil has achieved that the private banks also are adopting the same politics, since it worked out with satisfaction for the public ones.

3.- Partner rights: Following a proposal from Movilh, the Ministry of Housing and Town Planning issued an instruction in 2009 which officially extended the benefit of housing allowance for spouses to couples made up of people of the same sex, in addition recognizing the status of such family ties.

4.- Census: After ten years of work, Movilh achieved that the Censo 2012 in Chile added a question of same-sex partners, a historic national and international advance.

5.- School Coexistence Regulations: The Ministry of Education launched in 2012 the School Coexistence Regulation, which including the proposals of Movilh pointed out the importance of eradicating the discrimination against the sexual minorities in the classroom.

6.- Politics of Sexual Education: In 2005, Movilh achieved through its non-stop work that the Plan for Sexual Education considered also the non-discrimination of sexual orientation and gender identity in school.

7.- Health and transsexual population: After four years of work with Movilh, in 2011 the Ministry of Health approved a circular which obliged to call transsexuals by their social name in all care centers in Chile and launched the first protocol which at nation level regulated the medical procedures of body alteration.

This success was preceded by a pilot plan for free medical attention for transsexuals put in action by the Ministry of Health through a proposal of Movilh. In 2002 some offices had already established a certain health record for transsexuals so that they could receive care adequate of their gender identity. 

8.- Oficina por la Diversidad: Through work by the organization Agrupación de Minorías Sexuales de Coquimbo, which was supported by Movilh, the municipal in this community organized an Office of Diversity, which stands out for its similar initiatives because of its transsexual leader.

9.- Civil register: Movilh achieved in 2001 that the Civil Register made an announcement that made posible for transsexuals in Chile to obtain their identity documentation without having to change their appearance. Six years later, through a proposal of Movilh, the Civil Register introduced a politic to favor the legal processes of changing name and sex of transsexuals without having to go through surgery.

10.- Legal Medical Services: Through a petition from Movilh, the Legal Medical Services a dignified and non-prejudiced treatment of the transsexual population in their offices.

11.- Laboral announcements: Through dialogues, proposals and co-development of projects between the Department of Labor and Movilh to prevent labor exclusion because of sexual orientation or gender identity. In 2004, the authorities announced clarifying that the rules of non-discrimination guaranteed in labor legislative also apply to the sexual minorities.

12.- Laboral reports: In 2007, La Dirección del trabajo, the public service responsible for the carrying out of work-related legislament in Chile, made possible, through the implementation of the new politics, to make reports of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, which before was impossible. The change came from a petition by Movilh and originated from an event the 1 of June 2007 when an employee did the first report of this kind in a governmental instance.

13.- Prison system: Through a petition from Movilh, the National Organization of Gendarmeries ordered the end to disciplinary sanctions against inmates which prevented them to dress accordingly to their gender identity.

14.- Equality in the metro system of Santiago: Through a meeting with the authorities of the metro, Movilh managed to eliminate restrictions which prevented the spreading of messages about the sexual minorities in the metro.

15.- Public Libraries: Through actions from Movilh against the authorities, in 2005 ended the blockage of websites of sexual minority nature in all libraries in Chile.

16.- Police politics: In 1997 Movilh accomplished the eradication of the raids of LGBT spaces (bares, saunas and discotheques) made by civil and uniformed police which were frequently harassed because of the sexual orientation of the visitors. This success was achieved through a two-year systematic campaign by Movilh, which included public and legal reports, protests against the municipals and law authorities.

17.- Presence of sexual minorities in Armed Forces and Forces of Orden: Through the reports of gay ex-police officers and Movilh, the Chilean government and the Police’s controlling organ, La Dirección de Carabineros, in 2007 were had to make a public announcement that there is no incapability in being homosexual and join the Armed Forces.

I n 2012 reports from Canal 13 and Movilh about discriminative regulations in the Armed Forces pushed the issue to higher instances and forced them to implement measures against the homofobia and the transfobia in the selectional processes and internal practices.

18.- Student rights: In 2004 various reports to the Ministry of Education led to the first public announcement against the discrimination against the sexual minorities in school.

19.- Lesbian rights: Through petitions over 17 years, Movilh managed in 2009 that, for the first time in history of Chile, a minister of the Women’s National Service in Chile (Sernam) considered and saluted the lesbians in an official speech.

20.- Children: In 2001 Movilh had an interview with the Children’s National Service in Chile (Sename) which for the first time promised to give the young, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual children which live in this institution a decent treatment. As a cause of this, the contact with Sename has become more intense.




1.- Human rights events: Since 1991 Movilh has profiled itself as the only organism in society which intervene in almost every case (more than 90 percent) that violate the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and transsexual rights.

2.- The first advances: Movilh had its first triumph in favor of the sexual minorities in 1998 in the Chilean education system, solving the discrimination endured by the transsexual Karin Avaria in the school Liceo de Aplicación, who could graduate without changing her gender identity.

In 2004 Movilh managed for the first time to get a student re-installed in class after being expelled due to his sexual orientation. Por último, in 2009 Fábian Zurita, with the help of Movilh, became the first student to report bullying.

3.- The first rectification: In 1996, Movilh made a medium of communication, after threats of lawsuit, to for the first time in Chile correct news in which sexual minorities were discriminated and attacked. After this, Movilh has been able to make agreements with different media to transmit the reality of the sexual minorities, free from prejudices.

4.- The first laboral advances: In 1996 Movilh achieved, through the threat of a lawsuit, that Chilean media for the first time ever rectified news about the sexual minorities in which the attacked and discriminated this social group. Through this, we have reached agreements with different media to communicate without prejudices the reality of the sexual minorities.

5.- Minority Schools: In 2004 Movilh founded coordinated the first school for sexual minorities and people living with HIV/AIDS, an initiative never seen before in Latin America which searched to give an alternative the people with few economic resources marginalized from the work and educational system.

6.- The first marriage in Argentina: Movilh participated in the celebration in Argentina of the first marriage of Chileans living in our country, Víctor Arce and Miguel Lillo.





1.- Accountability: Because of a petition from Movilh, the authorities of the police of investigations, the border control and the Ministry of Defense had to declare the status of the homophobia within their organizations in front of the Chamber of Deputees in Chile.

2.- Acts of affection: As a cause of the continuous reports from Movilh of police abuse, the major and prefect och Santiago Central, Ganzalo Cáceres, announced in 2007 the there isn’t any legal impediment that makes it impossible for sexual minorities to express their love in public. At the same time he recognized that indeed it was true that there were police abuse, and that the acceptation of the sexual minorities not only requires laws and rules, but also a deep cultural change. This was the first declarations of this type by a representative from the police deparment.

3.- Unpublished recognition: At an official ceremony by the Police of Investigation, where representatives from the High Command and social organizations were present, for the first time in history this branch of the Armed Forces recognized the work made by Movilh to confront the homophobia and transphobia in Chile.

4.- The Association of psychologists (el Colegio de Psicólogos) and the Society of Psychiatry: Through a publication made by Movilh, the Association of Psychologists for the first time in Chile publicly announced that the homosexuality isn’t a disease and that the therapy the revert the patient into heterosexuality only hurts the patient. While in 2011 the Chilean Society for the Development of the Psychiatry (la Sociedad Chilena para el Desarrollo de la Psiquiatría) accepted the petition from Movilh to stop the homophobic and transphobic contents in their publications, meanwhile the president of the Association of Psychologists for the first time attended a march for the Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities, showing thousands of people that the sexual diversity is not a disease.

5.- The Teachers Association (el Colegio de Profesores): In 2002 Movilh agreed with the presidency of the Teachers Association to reduce the discrimination which affect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual teachers and students.

Six years later, and for the first time in its history, the Teachers Association permitted that the LGBT movement, especially Movilh, could represent them in an international convent about education which took place in 2008 in Guatemala.

6.- Historical separation in the evangelic world: After having dialogues with Movilh, the evangelic world was divided in 2008 in terms of rights for sexual minorities as a cause of the different opinions between the Evangelic Service for the Development and the Lutheran Churches in Chile (el Servicio Evangélico para el Desarrollo y la Iglesia Luterana de Chile), which supported the non-discrimination of the sexual minorities, and the National Union of Evangelic Entities (la Unión Nacional de Entidades Evangélicas), which promoted the opposite.

7.- Headquarters of the movement: In 2006, the State of Chile handed over for the first time a headquarters for the operation and movement of the Chilean movement for the sexual minorities. It was Movilh’s headquarters.

8.- Football/soccer: Through various complaints from Movilh because of homophobic statements from a player, the Profesional Football Players’ Association of Chile (Sifup) rejected all types of exclusion and discrimination of homosexuales, being the first announcement of this kind in the organizations history.

9.- Right-wing representative and campaign: In 2011, a right-wing parliamentary, Karla Rubilar, for the first time attended an activity organized by the sexual minorities. The campaign was called “El amor es amor” and was made by Movilh. The campaign was contributed by the participation of artists, animators, journalists and left to right-wing politics, managing to collect 10 signings to show support to the campaign.

10.- Ministral attendance: In 2009 a minister, the spokesperson Carolina Tohá, for the first time in history attended a public massive event organized by the sexual minorities.

11.- Presidential message: In 2012, a president from the Republic party, Sebastián Piñera, for the first time invited the sexual minorities movement (Movilh) to the National Congress as a cause of his message to the National Congress the 21 of May. In this occasion, a president for the first time mentioned a victim of the discrimination, the young Daniel Zamudio.

12.- Companies: In 2012, sexual minorities movement (Movilh), was invited to the Business Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Conference (el Encuentro de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Desarrollo Sustentable). They were also invited to the ENADE (Encuentro Nacional de Empresarios), a national conference for entrepreneurs.

13.- Agreements: For the first time, in 2012, a union, corporate leaders and the sexual minorities movement agreed upon an agreement against the work-related homophobia.

14- Government: In 2011, Movilh was elected panelist in the first seminar about the sexual diversity organized by a Chilean government, while at the moment a new roundtable was formed by executive power for the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals.

15- Church: In 2011, a high representative of the church for the first time attended and gave a speech in a massive event organized by the sexual minorities movement. The one giving the speech was the president of the Lutheran Evangelical Church, Luis Álvarez, who participated in the sixth Gay Parade Chile, organized by Movilh.

16.- The Catholic Church: In 2003, Movilh had its first talk in a catholic school and in 2005, for the first time in Chile a nun, the Dutch Yosé Hohne Sparborth, publicly supported the battle for the sexual minorities.

After having a dialogue with Movilh, the catholic priest and principal of the School of Psychology in the University och Bíobío, José Luis Ysem, he became the first priest to publicly support the activities made by Movilh and to support the educational manual of the sexual diversity.

18.- Marches and police: For the first the time, the Police Department appreciated an event for the sexual diversity by congratulating Movilh for the well-organized March for Equality and Human Rights of the Sexual Minorities.

19.- Flags: In 2012 ,for the first time an embassy, the English, installed a rainbow-colored flag at the facade to honor the International Day against the transphobia and homophobia. The flag was made by a group of mothers at Movilh.

20.- Socially or cultural important meetings: Movilh has had national an international interviews with various personalities. Some stand out for being pioneers and for their high simbolic impact, because of their deep cultural change.

The following stand out:

  • The first meeting in Latin America between the sexual minorities movement and the highest authorities of the Bishop’s Conference of Chile (Conferencia Episcopal de Chile) (2006)
  • The first meeting in Latin America between the sexual minorities movement and a right-wing president, Sebastián Piñera (2005)
  • The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and a director from a right-wing party, the Independent Democratic Union (UDI) (2004)
  • The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and the president of the Christian Democracy (Democracia Cristiana), the senator Soledad Alvear (2006)
  • The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and a minister of internal affairs, Andrés Zaldívar (2006)
  • The unpublished between the sexual minorities movement and high representatives from the evangelic and Jewish society.
  • The first meeting together with the four parties of the left-wing coalition “la Concertación” and the Chilean sexual minorities movement, which rendered in support of the civil unions of people of the same sex. (2007)
  • The first meeting between the sexual minorities movement and the highest authority of the National Congress, the president of the senate and ex chief executive, Eduardo Frei Ruiz Tagle. (2007)
  • In 2009, for the first time a presidential candidate of the Cristian Democracy and from la Concertación , Eduardo Frei, sat down in an official meeting with the sexual diversity movement (Movilh).
  • In 2009, a presidential candidate with the chance to go on to the second round, Marco Enríquez-Ominami, visited for the first time the headquarters of a sexual minorities movement organization (Movilh) to discuss the human rights of the sexual minorities.
  • In 2009, a presidential candiate, Jorge Arrate, made a tribute to to the work that Movilh does and did so by having an official meeting with this organization.
  • Andrés Allamand, the first right-wing senator to promote a law for civil unions for homosexuals and heterosexuals, had a meeting with Movilh to start working on the initiative.
  • After 52 years, the right-wing came to the executive power in Chile, having its representatives to have the first meeting with the sexual rights movement (Movilh).
  • In 2011, a president of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, for the first time had a meeting with organizations working for the sexual diversity, amongst other Movilh.
  • In 2012, a president of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, had a meeting with victims of homophobia (the Zamudio Vera family), in I meeting where Movilh was present.
  • In 2012, a commander of the military, Juan Manuel Fuente-Alba, for the first time had a meeting with the sexual diversity movement, Movilh.
  • In 2012, a principal of the Catholic University (Universidad Católica), Ignacio Sánchez, for the first time had a meeting with the LGBT movement and valued the meeting in public.





I.- Campañas

Primera placa contra la homofobia y transfobia: El Movilh instaló el 2005 en Valparaíso la primera placa de Chile, y la sexta del mundo, en memoria de las víctimas de la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género, recordando especialmente a los fallecidos de la discoteca gay Divine.

Primera campaña por la no discriminación: El 2003 el Movilh lanzó la primera campaña comunicacional contra la discriminación elaborada en Chile por organizaciones sociales.

Cartilla y charlas: Tras una propuesta del Movilh, Carabineros elaboró  y lanzó el 2008 una inédita cartilla para combatir la homofobia y transfobia en sus filas de todo el país. En tanto, desde ese año el Movilh ha dado charlas sobre diversidad sexual a funcionarios policiales y de Gendarmería.

Primera campaña masiva en la vía pública: Durante el 2010 el Movilh lanzó en Santiago y en Temuco la primera campaña pública por los  derechos de la diversidad sexual con gigantografías en puntos simbólicos y buses, causando debates nacionales e internacionales. La campaña se denominó «Por un Chile sin discriminación en el Bicentenario».

Sensibilización: En el 2008 el Movilh lideró  las más amplia  iniciativa desarrollada hasta ese momento por el Movimiento LGBT para enfrentar la discriminación en las aulas de enseñanza media, dando charlas a apoderados,  docentes y estudiantes de variados colegios, reuniéndose con diversos municipios y presentando propuestas sobre la materia a senadores, diputados y rectores de universidades.

Materiales educativos: El Movilh lanzó y distribuyó el 2009  el manual “Educando en la Diversidad: Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género en las Aulas”, el primer texto para colegios destinado a prevenir los atropellos padecidos por estudiantes y docentes en razón de su orientación sexual o identidad de género. En el 2010, el organismo lanzó una nueva edición del texto con un inédito cd interactivo sobre  sus contenidos, comenzando una nueva distribución desde el norte al sur de Chile. El manual ha llegado a más de 500  liceos y colegios del norte, centro y sur de Chile, y muchas municipalidades lo han difundido oficialmente entre los establecimientos educacionales bajo su cargo.

En tanto, el  2011 el Movilh lanzó el primer video chileno para enfrentar el bullying y la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género en las aulas.

Campaña internacional: El Movilh desarrolló  el 2007 la primera campaña internacional por los derechos humanos de la población transexual chilena, logrando involucrar a grupos pares y de todo el mundo.

Contra ley homófoba: El Movilh lanzó el 2009 la Primera Campaña Nacional para derogar la única norma que discrimina en forma explícita a las minorías sexuales, el artículo 365 del Código Penal.

Familia diversas: El 2009 el Movilh desarrolló la primera campaña nacional de sensibilización sobre las familias diversas.

Día Nacional de las Minorías Sexuales: El 2000 Movilh declaró simbólicamente al 4 de septiembre como el Día Nacional de los Derechos Humanos de las Minorías Sexuales.

Matrimonio igualitario: El Movilh lanzó el 2006 la Primera Campaña Nacional por la no Discriminación, los Derechos de las Parejas Convivientes y el matrimonio igualitario.

Promoción de denuncias: El Movilh organizó el 2007 la primera campaña nacional para promover las denuncias por discriminación basada en la orientación sexual y el género.

Jóvenes homosexuales y transexuales: A través del Movilh, el Movimiento LGTB desarrolló el 2008 por primera vez en su historia una campaña para alertar a jóvenes homosexuales y transexuales respecto a que sus relaciones sexuales son tipificadas como un delito en Chile.

Campañas nacionales en elecciones: Tras la recuperación de la democracia, el Movilh ha desarrollado campañas nacionales en contra de la discriminación en el marco de todas las elecciones municipales, parlamentarias o presidenciales, comprometiendo a candidatos/as con algunas propuestas y sensibilizando a la ciudadanía sobre los derechos humanos de las minorías sexuales.


II.- Movimiento, eventos y protestas

Conferencia de prensa:  Por primera vez activistas de la organización dieron una conferencia de prensa en 1993, causando especial impacto en todo Chile.

Marcha por la Alameda: Por primera vez en 1992 las minorías sexuales, aglutinadas en el Movilh, marcharon por la Alameda sumándose a una actividad organizada por grupos de derechos humanos, en el marco del segundo aniversario de  la entrega del Informe Rettig.

Brigada Escolar de Gays y Lesbianas: El Movilh fundó el 2005 la primera “Brigada Escolar de Gays y Lesbianas», pudiendo los escolares menores de edad auto-representarse para la defensa de sus derechos.

Primera marcha de minorías unidas: En 1999 el Movilh organizó en la Alameda la Primera Marcha por la No discriminación, donde participaron personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA o discapacidad, pacientes psiquiátricos, jóvenes, mujeres,  minorías étnicas,  inmigrantes y la diversidad sexual

Unión de minorías: Desde el 2001 el Movilh logró involucrar en forma sistemática a otros sectores discriminados (etnias, personas con discapacidad, minorías religiosas, niños, mujeres, ancianos) en las celebraciones del “Día Internacional de Orgullo de Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transgéneros”. Se dio origen al evento «Chile Diverso: Muestra Cultural por la Diversidad y la No Discriminación», actividad  que reúne a más de 10 mil personas.

Gay Parade de Chile: El Movilh organizó el 2006 la primera Gay Parade de Chile  frente al Palacio de La Moneda, convocando a unas 12 mil personas que bailaron y se besaron sin temor a las represalias. El  segundo evento (2007) fue saludado en forma inédita por Michelle Bacheket, logrando reunir la cifra récord de 20 mil personas. En todas sus ediciones posteriores el evento ha conglomerado a más de 40 mil personas.

Festival de Cine: El 2008 el Movilh organizó «Cine Movilh», el Primer Festival de Cine LGTB celebrado en Chile. El festival tuvo funciones en la Biblioteca de Santiago, el Centro Cultural de España y, en forma histórica, al aire libre, en específico en el Paseo Bulnes, frente a La Moneda. Tras ello el festival se desarrolla cada año.

Cine en regiones:  Con el respaldo del Movilh, diversos colectivos de minorías sexuales de Antofagasta, Mejillones, Chillán,  Puerto Montt  y La Serena han podido celebrar desde el 2009  en esas ciudades las primeras muestras de cine de la diversidad sexual.

Marcha contra el Bullying: El 2004 el Movilh organizó la primera marcha contra el bullying homofóbico y transfóbico, a la cual se sumaron  cerca de 300 estudiantes.

Protesta contra jerarquía vaticana: Por primera vez en su historia las minorías sexuales protestaron a través del Movilh contra una alta autoridad del Vaticano, el Secretario de Estado Tarcisio Bertone, en el marco de una visita a Chile durante el 2010. La manifestación dio la vuelta al mundo.

Federación: Variadas organizaciones, entre esa el Movilh, fundaron el 2007 la Federación Chilena de la Diversidad Sexual (Fesidech).

Marcha por el matrimonio: El Movilh organizó la primera marcha por el matrimonio igualitario desde  la Plaza de Armas al Tribunal Constitucional

Red Educativa:  El 2010 nació la Red Iberoamericana de Educación Lésbica, Gay, Bisexual y Transexual (RIE-LGBT), instancia conformada por colectivos de Chile, Colombia, España, Perú y Uruguay. El Movilh fue uno de los colectivos fundadores.

Exposición fotográfica: Tras variadas gestiones del Movilh, el 2012 por primera vez una expresión cultural sobre derechos de las minorías sexuales fue instalada en el Congreso Nacional. Se tratò de la exposición fotográfica sobre marchas del Orgullo del artista Leopoldo Correa, la que incluyó la ubicación de un lienzo gigante en el frontis del Congreso Nacional.

Regiones: El Movilh ha colaborado con la casi totalidad de las marchas y eventos pro-diversidad sexual desarrolladas en regiones.  Además, el 2008 el Movimiento LGTB (Movilh) llegó por primera vez con sus propuestas s a Punta Arenas, considerada la ciudad continental más austral de país. Un año más tarde el Movilh desarrolló en Valdivia las primeras campañas por los derechos humanos de las minorías sexuales, mientras que el 2011 hizo lo mismo en Osorno con la primera conmemoración del Día del Orgullo.

Mister Gay y Miss Lesbiana: En el 2008 se organizaron en Chile los primeros concursos para elegir a Mister Gay y Miss Lesbiana. El primero fue organizado por Gay Fone y el segundo por Chile Lesbos, contando ambos con la co-ejecución y patrocinio del Movilh.

Marcha: El 2011 organizó la «Marcha por la Igualdad y los Derechos Humanos de la Diversidad Sexual», reuniendo la cifra récord de 80 mil personas.

Medalla: Con motivo de su 20 aniversario el Movilh lanzó la denominada «Medalla por la Igualdad», con la que distinguió a personas e instituciones que han colaborado para erradicar la discriminación por orientación sexual e identidad de género en Chile.

Primer periódico: El 2002 el Movilh apoyó el lanzamiento del primer periódico con temáticas LGBT de Chile, OpusGay.

Medio LGBT:  Bajo el nombre “Movilh-Informa” fue lanzado el 2009 el primer boletín impreso de noticias gratuito para minorías sexuales.

Primer sitio de la diversidad: Con el respaldo de unas 100 organizaciones el Movilh lanzó el 2008 Chilediverso,  el primer portal especializado en la diversidad social y en la recepción de denuncias por discriminación.

Protestas contra partido político: El Movilh organizó el 2005 la primera protesta del movimiento de minorías sexuales contra un partido político, la Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI), por sus votaciones y acciones homofóbicas en el Congreso. Por la misma razón, y tres años más tarde, el Movilh se encadenó en la sede de la UDI, consiguiendo que el partido retirara del Parlamento sus indicaciones homofóbicas.

Jornada interreligiosa:  Colectivos de creyentes y grupos de derechos humanos organizaron el 2012 en la Plaza de Armas con el respaldo del Movilh la “Primera Jornada Interreligiosa por la Diversidad y la no Discriminación”

Reconocimientos al movimiento LGBT:  El Movilh ha sido distinguido por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD, 2005), por Amnistía Internacional (2006), por el Gobierno de Chile y la UNESCO (2006 y 2009). y por la Policía de Investigaciones (2008).  En tanto, el 2007 por primera vez un partido político destacó la defensa por los derechos civiles de un activista gay, Rolando Jiménez.

En el 2010, la ONU dedicó el Día Internacional de los derechos humanos a quienes luchan contra la discriminación, destacando a diversos personajes en el mundo, entre esos al presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jiménez. En el mismo año, Jiménez fue destacado por la Revista Paula como una de las figuras más representativas del Bicentenario.  En tanto, el 2012 el Partido Progresista rindió un homenaje a la labor del Movilh.


III.- Encuentros

Primeros encuentros en poderes del Estado: El 2012 el movimiento de minorías sexuales organizó por primera vez encuentros contra la discriminación en las sedes de los poderes Legislativo y Ejecutivo. En  La Moneda el Movilh organizó un cónclave nacional de  organizaciones de minorías sexuales y en el Senado produjo un seminario contra la discriminación.

Primer seminario académico: En 1994 dirigentes del Movilh, junto a otros activistas, coordinaron  la realización del primer seminario sobre sexualidad y homosexualidad dirigido por gays y efectuado en una casa de estudios, la  Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Tras ello, los encuentros académicos  serían comunes

Movimiento y organización: El 2004 el Movilh celebró el Primer Encuentro Programático de organizaciones de minorías sexuales en Chile.

Homosexuales sordos: Cresor y Movilh organizaron el 2006 el Primer Seminario de Gays y Lesbianas Sordos, creándose las señas para identificar a  homosexuales, bisexuales y transexuales.

Parejas:  El Movilh organizó el Primer Encuentro Nacional por la no Discriminación y por los Derechos de las Parejas Convivientes, reuniendo a representantes  de todas las orientaciones sexuales e identidad de género de ocho regiones del país

Encuentro Nacional: El Movilh organizó el 2007 en Santiago el Primer Encuentro Nacional Ejecutivo de Organizaciones de Minorías Sexuales, contando con la asistencia de 13 grupos con presencia en 11 de las 15 regiones de Chile.

Encuentro internacional: Bajo el slogan “Fortaleciendo Capacidades”, se desarrolló el 2009 en Chile el “Primer Encuentro Internacional de Cooperación” entre organizaciones de lesbianas, gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales (LGBT).La iniciativa fue organizada por la Fundación Triángulo y el Movilh.

Primer foro contra el Bullying:  Estudiantes lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales  agrupados en la Brigada Escolar del Movilh organizaron el 2010 en la Biblioteca de Santiago el “Primer Foro para Combatir el Bullying Homofóbico y Transfóbico en el Sistema Educacional”.

Homofobia y transfobia religiosa: Organizaciones académicas y sociales, entre esas el Movilh organizaron el  2010 primer seminario contra la homofobia religiosa. El cónclave se denominó “Homosexualidad  y pedofilia, una asociación interesada”.

Estudiantes de Pedagogía:  La Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Diego Portales  y el Movilh organizaron  el 2010 primer seminario sobre el bullying homofóbico y transfóbico para estudiantes de pedagogía. El cónclave se denominó “Diversidad Sexual en la Educación, herramientas para la formación docente”.

Seminario binacional sobre el matrimonio: Diversas organizaciones sociales y políticas, entre esas el Movilh, organizaron  el 2010 en Santiago el primer seminario sobre el matrimonio igualitario, contando con la participación de parlamentarios y activistas de Chile y Argentina.

Homofobia laboral:  Sindicatos y organizaciones, entre esas el Movilh, organizaron el 2012 en la sede de la OIT el primer seminario contra la homofobia laboral


IV.- Política

1.-Programa presidencial: Tras una intensa campaña del Movilh por primera vez los debates presidenciales (2005-2006) consideraron la realidad de las minorías sexuales. El éxito fue tal, que el programa presidencial de Michelle Bachelet incluyó cuatro propuestas del Movilh.

3.-Candidatos: El Movilh coordinó las primeras campañas y candidaturas de dirigentes de la diversidad sexual a cargos públicos (1996, 2000, 2004). En tanto, el 2012 el vocero del Movilh, Jaime Parada, se convirtió en el primer hombre gay en asumir un cargo de votación popular, tras ser elegido concejal por Providencia

4.-Activista gay como consejero nacional de partido: Por primera vez en su historia un partido político eligió el 2008 en votación democrática a un activista gay; el presidente del Movilh, Rolando Jiménez; como consejero nacional.

6.- Director de Ong´s:  La Asociación Chilena de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales, Acción, eligió el 2008 en votación democrática a un activista gay (Rolando Jiménez) como uno de sus directores, siendo esta la primera vez que una instancia no asociada en forma exclusiva tópicos  la sexualidad daba un paso como ese.

7.- Vocero: El 2012 por primera vez un militante de Derecha, el ex presidente de la Juventud de Renovación Nacional, Óscar Rementería, asume como uno de los voceros del movimiento de minorías sexuales




1.- Condena contra la homofobia y transfobia: Tras un fuerte y continuo proceso de sensibilización efectuado por el Movilh ante la Cancillería, el gobierno chileno  apoyó en el 2010  que la Asamblea General de la ONU restaurara  a la “orientación sexual” como categoría protegida en la declaración sobre ejecuciones extrajudiciales, mientras que el 2012 respaldó que se incorporara a la “identidad de género”

2.- Gobierno y ONU: El Movilh desarrolló entre el 2003 y el 2004 una fuerte campaña que derivó en que el gobierno chileno apoyara una resolución contra la discriminación por orientación sexual que debía votarse en la Comisión Internacional de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas. Aunque tal trámite fue postergado en las Naciones Unidas, el gobierno chileno si se pronunció con su voto en la ONU contra los crímenes por homofobia.

3.- Declaración de Noruega: 54 Estados, incluidos Chile, respaldaron el 2006 en la ONU la “Declaración de Noruega”, texto que llama a combatir la discriminación a las minorías sexuales. El apoyo de Chile fue gestionado por el Movilh y OTD.

4.- ONU y Educación: En su informe anual presentado el 2006,  el relator especial de Educación ante las Naciones Unidas, Vernor Muñoz,  consideró la situación de vulnerabilidad de las alumnas lesbianas en Chile teniendo por fuente al Movilh. En tanto en un segundo informe del 2010, denominado «Derecho Humano a la Educación Integral», el relator volvió a advertir la discriminación padecida por las minorías sexuales en las aulas, tras recepcionar datos de organizaciones en diversas parte del mundo, como el Movilh.

5.- Llamado de atención a Chile: Gracias a la denuncias de discriminación reportadas en los Informes Anuales de Derechos Humanos elaborados por el Movilh, las minorías sexuales chilenas consiguieron un amplio triunfo a nivel internacional. En efecto, el Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas llamó, en su sesión del 26 de marzo del 2007, la atención al Estado de Chile por la discriminación imperante en el país y que afecta a las minorías sexuales. También se pidió a las autoridades locales que implementaran medidas concretas para combatir este problema.

6.- Niños y llamado de atención: Basados en reportes del Movilh y en continuas peticiones de ese organismo a los relatores de las Naciones Unidas, el  Comité de los Derechos del Niño de ONU expresó al Estado de Chile su preocupación por la discriminación a gays, lesbianas y transexuales menores de edad. Más aún, llamó a modificar el artículo 365 del Código Penal de manera de igualar la edad de consentimiento sexual entre homosexuales y heterosexuales. El llamado se enmarcó en el 44 período de sesiones del Comité, celebrado el 2007.

7.- Apoyo del Estado a grupo LGBT: Acogiendo una demanda del Movilh, el Estado de Chile apoyó el 2008 por primera vez en su historia a una organización de minorías sexuales para que fuera órgano consultor ante Naciones Unidas. La instancia beneficiada fue la Asociación Brasileña de Gays, Lesbianas y Transexuales (ABGLT).

8.- Derechos humanos y OEA: La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) aprobó en el 2008 la Declaración  sobre Derechos Humanos, Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género, donde expresó  por primera su preocupación por la discriminación que afecta a las minorías sexuales. La Declaración  fue respaldada por el Estado de Chile tras variadas gestiones del Movilh.  Declaraciones similares  aprobó la OEA el 2009, 2010, 2011 y 2012  donde el Estado de Chile también adhirió después de peticiones del Movilh.

9.- Derechos humanos en la ONU: 66 países respaldaron la lectura en la ONU de una declaración denominada Derechos Humanos, Orientación Sexual e Identidad de Género, donde se llamó a derogar las leyes homofóbicas y transfóbicas existentes en el mundo. Chile apoyó  el 2008 la declaración, tras gestiones del Movilh.

10.- Minorías Sexuales y Mercosur: Las Altas Autoridades Competentes en Derechos Humanos y Cancillerías del Mercado Común del Sur incluyeron en el 2007 por primera vez en sus discursos referencias para enfrentar la discriminación contra las minorías sexuales. Luego, en el 2008, el Mecosur se pronunció inéditamente sobre los derechos de la diversidad sexual en la ONU. Ambos avances, contaron con el respaldo del Estado de Chile gracias a un trabajo de incidencia desarrollado a nivel local por el Movilh y a nivel regional por la RED LGTB del Mercosur.

11.- Respaldo de Cancillería: Por primera vez la cancillería chilena respaldo en el 2007 las gestiones políticas internacionales del Movimiento de Minorías Sexuales, al garantizar y apoyar la  asistencia del Movilh al Primer Seminario de la Diversidad Sexual, organizado por el Mercado Común del Sur (Mercado Común del Sur) en Uruguay.

12.- Demandas contra el Estado de Chile: Tres demandas contra el Estado de Chile ha presentado el Movilh ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humana. Una por la penalización de la sodomía (1997), otra por impedirse a una profesora lesbiana hacer clases de religión (2008) y una tercera por la prohibición del matrimonio igualitario (2012(

13.- Llamado de atención a Chile: Tras recibir informes de variadas organizaciones, entre esas el Movilh, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas formuló el 2009 al Estado de Chile diversas recomendaciones para prevenir y enfrentar las discriminaciones que afectan a las minorías sexuales, las cuales fueron aceptadas por el gobierno.

14.- Inédita audiencia en la CIDH:  A petición del Movilh, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIHD) celebró el 2009 en Washington la primera audiencia para abordar los efectos de la falta de uniones civiles para la población LGBT,  lo cual derivó en que la instancia llamara a los Estados a implementar “medidas urgentes” contra la discriminación.

15.- Chile rechaza homofobia: Tras una petición del Movilh, el Estado de Chile rechazó el 2009 una resolución de Iraq presentada en la Asamblea General de la ONU para excluir a la orientación sexual y la identidad de género del Pacto Internacional de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, aún cuando la idea del mencionado país fue lamentablemente aprobada.

16.- Declaración de 85 países: Estados de diversos continentes leyeron el 2011 en Naciones Unidas una declaración conjunta sobre orientación sexual, identidad de género y Derechos Humaos, contando con el respaldo de Chile tras gestiones del Movilh.

17.- Primera resolución ONU: El 2011 Naciones Unidas aprobó su primera resolución sobre DDHH, orientación sexual e identidad de género, contándose con el apoyo de Chile, tras gestiones del Movilh.

18.- Código Penal: Teniendo a la vista varios informes, entre esos uno del Movilh, la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de los Defensores de los Derechos Humanos de la ONU, Margaret Sekaggya, llamó el 2012 a los estados del mundo a derogar artículos homofóbicos y transfóbicos de sus códigos penales.

19.-  Día DDHH: En el marco del Día Internacional de los Derechos Humanos , la ONU  lanzó el 2012 varios videos dedicados a los derechos de las mujeres, incorporando a la realidad lésbica con un mensaje de una activista del Movilh




1.- Annual Reports: In 2002, Movilh published the Annual Report on the Human Rights on the Sexual Minorities of Chile, the first text that analyzed and summarized, year to year, facts regarding gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders and transsexuals.

2.- Drug consumption. In 2001, Movilh designed and executed the first survey about the drug consumption among the homosexual population. After the results from the study, Movilh launched a campaign in all gay discotheques, bars and pubs in Santiago, the first of its kind, to prevent the abusive use of drugs.

3.- Reality of sexual minorities: In 2002,Movilh created and executed the first survey regarding the sociocultural, political and religious reality of the Chilean sexual minorities. The results of the survey were presented on a press conference and in 2011 a new investigation of the material was launched together with Fundación Progresa.

4.- Report Movilh-Divine: 2002,after almost a decade of investigations, Movilh presented “Report Movilh-Divine, the Justice that the Victims deserves”. Thanks to this study, the case of the burnt down gay discotheque Divine de Valparaíso was reopened.

5.- AIDS and homosexuals in Chile: In 2003, Movilh initiated the first investigation and survey applied to the homosexuals of Chile to look into the awareness about the prevention of HIV/AIDS and also to evaluate the citizens regarding public and private campaigns destined to reduce the impact of the virus. The study also included a new and innovative proposal for prevention, which became a standard for the campaigns launched by the Ministry of Health after the investigation.

6.- First study regarding bullying: In 2008, Movilh started the first study ever in Chile dealing with the discrimination that affects teachers and students identified as LGBT. The study was sponsored by the Teachers Association, the Education International and the Fundación Triángulo de España.

 6.- Primer estudio sobre bullying: El 2008 el Movilh desarrolló el primer estudio  del país sobre la discriminación que afecta a docentes y estudiantes identificados como LGBT en las aulas. El estudio fue patrocinado por el Colegio de Profesores, la Internacional de Educación y la Fundación Triángulo de España.
